Warcraft Jinx - How you perform in a WoW zone by level depends on how fast the character you've chosen developshis is why it is so crucial that you make the right choices at the beginning of the gamene of the most Well-known mistakes rookie make is picking characters Based on face valueith this in mind, here are a few pointers on character choice when playing World of Warcraftirst and foremost, you have to be aware of the different character classifications recognized inside the game Tank is a character that's supposed to stand as decoy and take the bulk of the attacksPS players are specialists when it comes to combatPS in reality stands for "Damage Per Second" so you can expect these creatures to dish out the mot destructionnd then there are the Healers that are physically weak but are very good at preventing, mitigating and healing injuriesn a more general scale, there are at the same time the Crowd Control classes, whose abilities include tactics that assist in m ... [Read More > Warcraft Jinx]
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Warcraft Jinx
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